St. Patrick Central Class of '59 45th Reunion

Saturday October 2, 2004

(Webmaster's note: optimized for 800 x 600 standard resolution)

The 39 Classmates in attendance:

Mary Allain Martino  Sandy Barzantny Offermann   Charles "Pete" Bergener (Pete was from St. Pat's grade school)   Linda Betourne   Edith Bratton Ramirez   Cheryl Coleman Shipp   Maureen Courtney Carlson   Rosemary Di Gregorio Alberts    Rose Donahoe Smith    Judy Freeman Gall   Cathy Fritz Lovell   Bill Gohring   Dave Havens   Ann Irle Stack   Carol Kanoski Fritz   Dick Kanoski   Gary Kilgos   Dewey Kilbride   Russell Kirchman   Dan Laffey   Nancy LaFrance Wells   John Lanoue   Marlene Marquis Coash    Barb Martin Guitart   Tom Martin    Joan McCall Bergren   Sheila McCarthy Eggenberger   Nancy Neal    Tom O'Brien   Mary Margaret O'Connor Kelch   Diane Pacauckas Sheehan   Martina Panozzo Rippon  Margie Quigley Ayers   Larry Rabideau   Jim Reising  Marcia Richard Rabideau   Mary Schreffler Curwick   Sandy Schriner Rooney   Jim Weber

Golf was on the agenda for some, and later on Mass at St. Patrick Church.  Beginning at 6 PM, people gathered at the Kankakee Valley Boat Club.  It was a very informal affair with excellent food by Joe Armenise and Gary Kilgos' memories.

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